Notice: For credit students only, password requied. - Submicron Devices (次微米元件)
- Silicon Germanium Technology (矽鍺技術)
- Solid State Electronics (固態電子學)
- Introdution to Nanoelectronics (奈米電子導論)
108學年度第2學期 (2020/02/17 ~ 2020/06/21) Time | Topics
| Room | 08:00~12:00
| CMOS | EE-II R104 |
- Saturday (Training)
Time | Topics
| Room | 14:00
| CMOS | EE-II R104 |
- Wednesday (Subgroup meeting)
Time | Topics
| Room | 9:00~12:00 | CMOS | EE-II R141 |
Time | Topics
| Room | 12:20~15:00
| 半導體實驗 | EE-II R303 |
108學年度第1學期 (2019/09/09 ~ 2020/02/16)
- Saturday (Group meeting) ※10/5補課改至博理214
Time | Topics
| Room | 08:00~12:00
| CMOS | EE-II R104 |
- Saturday (Training) ※10/5補課改至博理214
Time | Topics
| Room | 14:00
| CMOS | EE-II R104 |
- Wednesday (Subgroup meeting)
Time | Topics
| Room | 9:00~12:00 | CMOS | EE-II R104 |
Time | Topics
| Room | 12:20~15:00
| 半導體實驗 | EE-II R144 |
- Due to the election, no training on this Saturday (11/24)
- 工研院專利合作技術摘要表。
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Link - 老闆最大 研究生哀怨:我是廉價勞工【2003/11/29 聯合報】
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- Attending International Conference (參加國際會議注意事項)
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Download - 5年5百億出國報告撰寫格式
- 2018
- 2017
指導學生黃郁翔(Yu-Shiang Huang) 獲得電子所學生傑出研究獎(Outstanding Research Award of GIEE) 指導學生鍾嘉哲(Chia-Che Chung)獲得台積電台大大學部「專題競賽」第一名 指導學生鍾嘉哲(Chia-Che Chung)獲得台積電四校聯合研發中心大學部「專題競賽」第二名 指導學生鍾嘉哲(Chia-Che Chung)獲得第十五屆台大創新競賽特別獎"可行性獎" 指導學生顏智洋(Jhih-Yang Yan)獲得2017 TSIA博士研究生半導體獎
- 2016
指導學生翁翊軒(I-Hsieh Wong) 獲得電子所學生傑出研究獎(Outstanding Research Award of GIEE) 指導學生顏智洋(Jhih-Yang Yan) 獲得電子所學生傑出研究獎(Outstanding Research Award of GIEE) 指導學生黃郁翔(Yu-Shiang Huang) 獲得電子所學生傑出研究獎(Outstanding Research Award of GIEE) 指導學生樊聖亭(Sheng-Ting Fan) 獲得電子所學生傑出研究獎(Outstanding Research Award of GIEE) 指導學生羅傑(Roger)論文「高載子遷移率及穩定度改善之非晶相銦鎵鋅氧化物薄膜電晶體」獲得中國電機工程學會青年論文獎第三名 (The 3rd Place Winner of The Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering (CIEE) Paper Award) 指導學生高名彥(Ming-Yen Kao)獲得First place in tsmc top 4 university research competition 指導學生高名彥(Ming-Yen Kao)獲得國立台灣大學精專獎第三名 指導學生黃仕賢(Shih-Hsien Huang)獲得2016 TSIA博士研究生半導體獎
- 2015
指導學生呂芳諒(Fang-Liang Lu)獲得22nd SNDT (Symposium on Nano Device Technology)學生論文獎頭等獎 (best student paper) 指導學生黃郁翔(Yu-Shiang Huang)獲得國立台灣大學104學年度第一學期逕行修讀博士學位學生研究提升計畫補助金 指導學生呂芳諒(Fang-Liang Lu)獲得國立台灣大學104學年度第一學期逕行修讀博士學位學生研究提升計畫補助金 指導學生葉泓佑(Hum-You Ye)獲得國立台灣大學104學年度第一學期逕行修讀博士學位學生研究提升計畫補助金 指導學生黃奕中(Yi-Chung Huang)獲得104學年度國立台灣大學科林論文獎(2015 Lam Master Thesis Award)碩士班組優等獎 指導學生張達智(Da-Zhi Chang)「Band alignment of GeSn based heterostructure」獲得2015台積電四校聯合研發中心大學部「專題競賽」第一名 指導學生廖宇鴻(Yu-Hung Liao)「Hysteresis Reduction of Negative Capacitance Field Effect Transistors by Fixed Charges and Enhanced Subthreshold Slope by Overlap Capacitancne」獲得2015台積電台大大學部「專題競賽」第一名 指導學生翁翊軒(I-Hsieh Wong) 獲得2015 TSIA博士研究生半導體獎
- 2014
指導學生翁翊軒(I-Hsieh Wong) 獲得電子所學生傑出研究獎(Outstanding Research Award of GIEE) 指導學生黃仕賢(Shih-Hsien Huang)論文「Record High Mobility of 2 × 106 cm2/V s in Strained Si by Optimized SiGe/Si/SiGe Structures」獲得2014年中華民國尖端材料科技協會學生論文獎佳作 指導學生藍偟翔(Huang-Siang Lan)獲得科技部103年度「博士後研究人員學術著作獎」。 指導學生陳彥廷(Yen-Ting Chen) 獲得電子所學生傑出研究獎(Outstanding Research Award of GIEE) 指導學生魯珺地(Chun-Ti Lu)獲得21st SNDT (Symposium on Nano Device Technology)學生論文獎特優獎 (best student paper) 指導學生呂芳諒(Fang-Liang Lu)獲得台積電大聯盟論文首獎 (best student paper at 1st place, tsmc-NTU research center)
- 2013
指導學生徐正一(Ching-Yi Hsu)獲得教育部留學獎學金 指導學生陳彥瑜(Yen-Yu Chen)獲得20th SNDT (Symposium on Nano Device Technology)學生論文獎特優獎(best student paper award) 指導學生林政明(Cheng-Ming Lin)獲得102學年度國立台灣大學科林論文獎(2013 Lam Ph. D. Thesis Award)博士班組優等獎 指導學生蔡明亨(Ming-Heng Tsai)獲得102學年度國立台灣大學科林論文獎(2013 Lam Master Thesis Award)碩士班組優等獎
- 2012
- 2011
指導學生李承翰(Cheng-Hang Lee)獲得100學年度國立台灣大學科林論文獎 (2011 Lam Thesis Award)博士班組頭等獎 - 指導學生詹琇婷(Shiu-Ting Chan)獲得99學年度聯相光電股份有限公司獎學金(2011 Nexpower scholarship)
指導學生何偉碩(Wei-Shuo Ho)獲得99學年度聯相光電股份有限公司獎學金(2011 Nexpower scholarship) 指導學生孫宏彰(Hung-Chang Sun)獲得99學年度聯相光電股份有限公司獎學金(2011 Nexpower scholarship)
- 指導學生陳彥瑜(Yen-Yu Chen)獲得99學年度聯相光電股份有限公司獎學金(2011 Nexpower scholarship)
- 指導學生許文瑋(Wen-Wei Hsu)獲得18th SNDT (Symposium on Nano Device Technology) Student Award
- 指導學生陳彥廷(Yen-Ting Chen)獲得18th SNDT (Symposium on Nano Device Technology) Student Award
- 指導學生李承翰(Cheng-Hang Lee)獲得18th SNDT (Symposium on Nano Device Technology) Student Award
- 2010
指導學生程子桓(Tzu-Huan Cheng)獲得臺灣大學100年度優秀青年(2011 Outstanding youth of National Taiwan University) 指導學生彭成毅(Cheng-Yi Peng)論文「應變矽鍺金氧半元件及電荷儲存式記憶體之研究探討」獲得台灣大學電子所98學年度最佳博士論文獎(98th Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award of GIEE)
指導學生程子桓(Tzu-Huan Cheng)獲得中技社99年度科技獎學金(2010 CTCI Foundation Scholarship) 指導學生徐正一(Ching-Yi Hsu)論文「可撓式單晶鍺薄膜電晶體與高遷移率鍺金氧半場效電晶體之應電研究」獲得中國電機工程學會青年論文獎第一名 (The 1st Place Winner of The Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering (CIEE) Paper Award) 指導學生徐正一(Ching-Yi Hsu)獲得4th tsmc Outstanding Student Research Award- the 2nd place - 指導學生許文瑋(Wen-Wei Hsu)獲得4th tsmc Outstanding Student Research Award-the 4th place
- 指導學生陳彥廷(Yen-Ting Chen)獲得電子所學生傑出研究獎(Outstanding Research Award of GIEE)
- 2008
指導學生彭成毅(Cheng-Yi Peng)獲得3rd tsmc Outstanding Student Research Award-the first place奈米元件材料物理/化學類別第一名 指導學生李承翰(Cheng-Hang Lee)獲得3rd tsmc Outstanding Student Research Award-the third place奈米元件材料物理/化學類別第三名 指導學生何偉碩(Wei-Shuo Ho)獲得4th ISTDM (International SiGe Technology and Device Meeting) Best Student Paper Award 指導學生黃靖方(Ching-Fang Huang)獲得15th SNDT (Symposium on Nano Device Technology) Award of Merit 指導學生孫宏彰(Hung-Chang Sun)獲得1st GIEE Technical English Presentation Contest-the first place 指導學生黃靖方(Ching-Fang Huang)獲得1st GIEE Technical English Presentation Contest-the third place
- 2007
指導學生黃靖方(Ching-Fang Huang)獲得2nd tsmc Outstanding Student Research Award-the third place電子元件/製程技術類別第三名 指導學生何偉碩(Wei-Shuo Ho)獲得2nd tsmc Outstanding Student Research Award專題研究類別佳作 指導學生郭平昇(Ping-Sheng Kuo)獲得電子所學生傑出研究獎(Outstanding Research Award of GIEE) 指導學生廖洺漢(Ming-Han Liao)論文「矽鍺金屬氧化半導體發光元件與應變矽技術」獲得96年度中華民國物理學會博士論文(2007 Ph.D. Dissertation Award of The Physical Society of Republic of China)佳作獎 指導學生廖洺漢(Ming-Han Liao)論文「矽鍺金屬氧化半導體發光元件與應變矽技術」獲得96年度國立台灣大學科林論文獎 (2007 Lam Thesis Award)博士班組頭等獎指導學生廖洺漢(Ming-Han Liao)論文「矽鍺金屬氧化半導體發光元件與應變矽技術」獲得96年度光學工程學會學生論文獎(2007 Student Paper Award of Taiwan Photonics Society) 指導學生李政霆(Cheng-Ting Lee)論文「鍺金氧半發光元件」獲得台灣大學電子所95學年度最佳碩士論文獎(2007 Best Master Student Paper Award of GIEE) 指導學生江彥德(Yen-Te Chiang)論文「絕緣層上鍺晶圓製程及其特性」獲得96年度國立台灣大學科林論文獎(2007Lam Thesis Award)碩士班組優等獎 指導學生程子桓(Tzu-Huan Cheng)獲得14th SNDT (Symposium on Nano Device Technology) NDL Superior Award 指導學生李承翰(Cheng-Hang Lee)獲得14th SNDT (Symposium on Nano Device Technology) NDL Superior Award
- 2004
指導學生華偉君(Wei-Chun Hua)及余承曄(Cheng-Ya Yu)參與「高效能之形變矽異質結構互補式金氧半場效電晶體」案獲得93年工研院電子所「傑出創新獎」(2004 Outstanding Research Award of ITRI) 指導學生袁鋒(Feng Yuan)獲得2004年度SRC Fellowship 指導學生郭平昇(Ping-Sheng Kuo)論文「金氧半光偵測器」獲得93年度國立台灣大學科林論文獎(2004 Lam Thesis Award)碩士班組優等獎 指導學生詹孫戎(Sun-Rong Jan)論文「應變矽技術與晶圓鍵合」獲得中國電機工程學會青年論文獎第二名(The 2nd Place Winner of The Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering (CIEE) Paper Award)
- 2002
指導學生許博欽(Bo-Chin Hsu)獲得電子所學生傑出研究獎(Outstanding Research Award of GIEE) 指導學生陳冠復(Guan-Fu Chen)論文「利用氧化層的粗糙度增強金氧半元件的光電可靠度特性之研究」獲得中國電機工程學會青年論文獎第三名(The 3rd Place Winner of The Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering (CIEE) Paper Award)
指導學生張書通(Shu-Tong Chang)及許博欽(Bo-Chin Hsu)獲得UMC Scholarship 指導學生李敏鴻(Min-Hung Lee)及林崇勳(Chung-Hsun Lin)獲得Applied Materials at Taiwan (AMT) Semiconductor Technology Cultivation Scholarship 指導學生林崇勳(Chung-Hsun Lin)論文「超薄氧化層電性分析與增強可靠度之氘製程研究」獲得90年度國立台灣大學科林論文獎(2001 Lam Thesis Award)碩士班組頭等獎 指導學生劉岳修(Yue-Xiu Liu)論文「超高真空快熱機台之製造及其成長之超薄氧化層、多晶矽、矽鍺之特性研究」獲得90年度國立台灣大學科林論文獎(2001 Lam Thesis Award)碩士班組優等獎 指導學生林崇勳(Chung-Hsun Lin)論文「超薄氧化層電性分析與增強可靠度之氘製程研究」獲得中國電機工程學會青年論文獎第一名(The 1st Place Winner of The Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering (CIEE) Paper Award) 指導學生林崇勳(Chung-Hsun Lin)論文「超薄氧化層電性分析與增強可靠度之氘製程研究」獲得國科會90年度碩士論文獎(2001 Best Student Paper Award of National Science Council (NSC))
Chee Wee Liu was born in Taipei, Taiwan, 1963. He received both the B.S. and M.S. degree in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University in 1985 and 1987, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Princeton University in 1994. He was with the department of Electrical Engineering, National Chung-Hsing University in 1994-95. He has joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University as an associate Professor since 1996. In 2001, he became a full Professor. Prof. Liu also led a SiGe project in ERSO/ITRI through a special arrangement between NTU and ITRI as a research director with the rank of senior full researcher from 2001 to 2005. Prof. Liu has invented the first MIS tunneling light emitting diodes and MIS tunneling photodetectors, including SiGe/Si QDIPs. He is building the quantum optoelectronics devices using CMOS technology, so called "CMOS optoelectronics." He is helping industry to find an extremely low cost solution of strained Si technology and developing the design tool for strained Si circuit. Based on his research work, he received the 2003-2005 NSC outstanding research award and 2002, 2003 ERSO/ITRI outstanding research award. Prof. Liu likes to help the students who are smart and hard working, but their GPAs are not so high. After the Ph.D./master study, these students have more progress than other fellows at their year. The true understanding of knowledge is required in his research group. With the industry support, the excellent students to join his research group can be fully supported by industry and research institutes. Excellent postdoc fellows are also welcome. Please contact
- Shu-Han Hsu, Hung-Chih Chang, Chun-Lin Chu, Yen-Ting Chen,Wen-Hsien Tu, Fu Ju Hou, Chih Hung Lo, Po-Jung Sung, Bo-Yuan Chen, Guo-Wei Huang, Guang-Li Luo, C. W. Liu, Chenming Hu, and Fu-Liang Yang, “Triangular-channel Ge NFETs on Si with (111) Sidewall-Enhanced Ion and Nearly Defect-free Channels,” accepted International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 2012.
- Cheng-Ming Lin, Hung-Chih Chang, Yen-Ting Chen, I-Hsieh Wong, Huang-Siang Lan, Shih-Jan Luo, Jing-Yi Lin, Yi-Jen Tseng, C. W. Liu, Chenming Hu, and Fu-Liang Yang, “ Interfacial layer-free ZrO2 on Ge with 0.39-nm EOT, κ~43, ~2×10-3 A/cm2 gate leakage, SS =85 mV/dec, Ion/Ioff =6×105, and high strain response,” accepted by International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 2012.
- Yu-Jen Hsiao, Ting-Jen Hsueh, Jia-Min Shieh, Yu-Ming Yeh, Chien-Chih Wang, Bau-Tong Dai, Wen-Wei Hsu, Jing-Yi Lin, Chang-Hong Shen, C. W. Liu, Chenming Hu and Fu-Liang Yang, “ Bifacial CIGS (11% Efficiency)/Si Solar Cells by Cd-free and Sodium-free Green Process Integrated with CIGS TFTs,” International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 2011.
- Shu-Han Hsu, Chun-Lin Chu, Wen-Hsien Tu, Yen-Chun Fu, Po-Jung Sung, Hung-Chih Chang, Yen-Ting Chen, Li-Yaw Cho, Guang-Li Luo, William Hsu, C. W. Liu, Chenming Hu, and Fu-Liang Yang, Chenming Hu, and Fu-Liang Yang, “ Nearly Defect-free Ge Gate-All-Around FETs on Si Substrates,” International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 2011.
- Deep Inside Intel
- 應材結盟台4大學和工研院 厚植台競爭力【2012/09/21 DIGITIMES中文網】捐贈太陽能研究用系統濺鍍機台予台大及國家奈米元件實驗室的捐贈儀式 【2009/06/05 工商時報】
- Yen Chun Fu, William Hsu, Yen-Ting Chen, Huang-Siang Lan, Cheng-Han Lee, Hung-Chih Chang, Hou-Yun Lee, Guang-Li Luo, Chao-Hsin Chien, C. W. Liu, Chenming Hu, and Fu-Liang Yang “ High mobility high on/off ratio C-V dispersion-free Ge n-MOSFETs and their strain response,” International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 2010.
- 2010-05-05 Dr. Hsiao's talk in NTU EE
 In Dr. Hsiao's IBM-USA life,he worked at the mainframe group's Advanced RAS deapartment toinvent and do innovative work for enhanced RAS in Computers.The work area such as ECC,ED/FI, Testing, UPC and BC412 Barocdes, etc. All his work was later well recognized by the world society in the fault tolerant/dependable computing professors which led him to get elected to IEEE Fellow in 1974, and IBM Fellow in 1984 and EurAsian Fellow in 2001. E-mail:
- G.-L. Luo, S.-C. Huang, C.-T. Chung, Dawei Heh, C.-H. Chien, C.-C. Cheng, Y.-J. Lee, W.-F. Wu, C.-C. Hsu, M.-L. Kuo, J.-Y. Yao, M.-N. Chang, C.-W. Liu, C.-M. Hu, C.-Y. Chang, and F.-L. Yang, “A Comprehensive Study of Ge1-xSix on Ge for the Ge nMOSFETs with Tensile Stress, Shallow Junctions and Reduced Leakage,” accepted by International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM), 2009.
- T.-H. Cheng, C. T. Lee, M. H. Liao, P.-S. Kuo, T. A. Hung, and C. W. Liu, "Electrically pumped Ge Laser at room temperature," accepted by International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM), 2007.
- M. H. Liao, C.-Y. Yu, C.-F. Huang, C.-H. Lin, C.-J. Lee, M.-H. Yu, S. T. Chang, C.-Y. Liang, C.-Y. Lee, T.-H. Guo, C.-C. Chang and C. W. Liu, "Strain-enhanced Si/Ge Heterojunction LED and GOI Detector," accepted by International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM), 2005.
- S. Maikap, M. H. Liao, F. Yuan, M. H. Lee, C.-F. Huang, S. T. Chang and C. W. Liu, "Package-strain-enhanced device and circuit performance," accepted by International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM), 2004.
- M. H. Lee, P. S. Chen, W.-C. Hua, C.-Y. Yu, Y. T. Tseng, S. Maikap, Y. M. Hsu, C. W. Liu, S. C. Lu, and M.-J. Tsai, "Comprehensive Low-Frequency and RF Noise Characteristics in Strained-Si NMOSFETs," accepted by International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM), 2003.
- Foreign students are very welcome to join our group.
Details: Application Procedures & Academic Affairs Division, NTU
- Z. Pei, C. S. Liang, L. S. Lai, Y. T. Tseng, Y. M. Hsu, P. S. Chen, S. C. Lu, C. M. Liu, M.-J. Tsai and C. W. Liu, "High Efficient 850nm and 1310nm Multiple Quantum Well SiGe/Si Heterojunction Phototransistors with 1.25 Plus GHz Bandwidth," accepted by International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM), 2002.
- B.-C. Hsu, S. T. Chang, C.-R. Shie, C.-C. Lai, P. S. Chen, and C. W. Liu, "High Efficient 820 nm MOS Ge Quantum Dot Photodetectors for Short Reach Integrated Optical Receivers," accepted by International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM), 2002.